Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So you want to get into youth ministry eh?

 I remember a few times when I was warned about getting into the ministry. I’m sure you’ve had your set of warnings that have been just as strong. The first warning I can ever remember was from my grandfather. At the age of 14, I remember my hero, who had been a pastor for many years in many churches, telling me that there was no money in ministry. I think he was on to something. 

I also remember a few of my bible college professors telling me to get out while I still could. They had been around long enough to see what kind of a toll youth ministry can take on your body, social and family life as well as your mental and psychological abilities to cope with reality. Without a doubt, youth ministry is a demanding field on every level. It requires constant research as youth culture is organic and changes frequently. It also requires you to work odd hours—if you were hoping to work 9-5, maybe you should think about something else. There are times, when you find yourself wondering if you could be doing something else instead of your current gig. But every single time I find myself questioning, the answer comes back to a resounding… “you’re in this for the long haul, buddy! Keep on keeping on.”
I’m sure you’ve been through the exact same thing.

So, you want to do youth ministry stuff then, eh?

Well, I guess there are reasons for wanting to. Because of what you do, those junior high students who frequently ask questions will sometimes find the answers. And in their questioning, you’ve also gained insights that you never managed to see. Because of the young woman who is seeking her identity in the approval of others, you get the privilege of helping her see that God’s approval stands highest and that if she could see herself through His eyes; she might be able to overcome her faulty defence mechanism of cutting and self-harm. Those parents who you thought would never be able to last 4 years of a high-school kid who is off the wall has thanked you for being there through the thick and thin. And that the same kid who broke the window in the sanctuary is now off to Bible College to be a youth pastor, just like you. The list goes on and on. Here are just a few reasons why what you’re doing is going to make a difference.

-Right now, teenagers are being shaped by our Canadian culture. Some of Canadian culture is great (diversity, tolerance, the importance of caffeinated beverages), but a lot of it stands against the values that Christ taught in Matthew 5-7.

-The average age of a young person deciding to have sexual relations is lowering year by year. Right now, there is a growing statistic of sexually transmitted diseases and infections that are spreading throughout junior high schools and high schools. Believe it or not, your influence might help them choose to save themselves from making mistakes that will echo into their adult lives.

-You know what many of your local schools are teaching. They teach with authority and kids actually do listen. But you can too! Give them another voice to heed… God’s Word.  

-With social media being more and more prevalent in their every day use, kids are feeling more and more alone. Dinner is announced when Mom text messages Dad who instant messages Johnny who in turn grabs a slice of store bought pizza and head back to his room to chat online with someone from brazil… someone who feels just as lonely as he is but has no idea how to start a conversation with her parents either.

Thanks for getting into youth ministry. We need more caring and thoughtful people—just like you.

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