Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Keep on Keepin' on

This week is my first week back in the office from vacation.. and like many of you, I have no idea what I’m doing.
Today I’ve printed just about everything I’ve worked on during the summer, prepared to meet with two of the four teams I coach, and feel prepared but super unprepared all at the same time. The innermission team is comprised of 3 parents who are much smarter than me and have more experience. I feel like such a N00b...
In light of this, there were a few other “welcome back” things I received since I was away….

-a few leaders have bowed out gracefully. Amazing people. I thank God for their time spent here.
-still in shock from the passing of a friend and neighbour. My next door neighbour suffered a heart attack. I’ll miss him as he too worked in the ministry and understood some of the things I’ve gone through. He’d often joke with me, but more often encouraged me to keep on keeping on… I’ll miss him a lot.
-a few last minute things and requests have come up. Some of which I can work with, some I’ll have to say no to.

Although September might feel like a balancing act where you try to keep many plates spinning and up in the air, I want to encourage you to keep on keeping on. Paul writes in Philippians “I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to things ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”…

Don’t let the past hold you back, but hold onto the call that God is leading you toward tomorrow.
Till next time

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